Cultural workers are against the suspension of the Pamplona Hiriartea project by Navarre Suma
  • The Municipal Government of Pamplona decided at the end of November to suspend the project of the contemporary culture center Hiriartea, located on Avenida Gasteiz de Pamplona. Faced with this decision, the “Utzi sortzen” initiative has begun to collect accessions for the project to continue.
Gorka Bereziartua Mitxelena @gorka_bm 2019ko abenduaren 19a
Aurreko legealdian jarri zen abian Hiriartea proiektua, Iruñean kultura garaikideko zentro bat abian jartzeko asmoz (argazkia: Euskalerria Irratia).

“We believe that the promotion of a public center of contemporary culture is essential in Pamplona, especially because of its capacity to respond to the demands of a precarious sector and with many structural deficiencies”, is read in the text published in favor of the Hiriartea project. The cultural workers who have promoted the paper consider that the decision of the City of Pamplona does not take into account the needs of the cultural sectors of the city. Not only that, it also eliminates “qualified profile posts approved by public tender.”

This document, which calls for the adhesion of citizens, states that cultural projects “need times that have nothing to do with the political calendars”, but the Municipal Government presided over by Enrique Maya does not understand culture as “the common good” or as “everyone’s right”.

“We ask for cultural policies the same autonomy they have to make decisions in other sectors of public administration, such as health, transport or waste management: That they be raised by professionals who are experts in the field, that they develop through listening and teamwork, and that they are not led by politicians that make the professional sector that we write this letter increasingly vulnerable,” says “Let us create”.

Since the implementation of the Hiriartea project, one of its priorities has been citizen participation: from the definition of the project to its incorporation into the city, the citizens' contributions have been collected through open meetings and conferences. It has also sought to connect with the agents of other territories of the Spanish State and, in the opinion of the cultural workers who have published this paper, it is a project that has made a difference with the “traditional and obsolete” practices that for years have been in force in the cultural management of Navarra.

Those who adhere to what is stated in the document may adhere to it via the address