Navarra Suma retires the 8 prevention groups from the neighborhoods of Pamplona
  • The City Council of Pamplona/Iruña has informed the associations that they will not extend their contracts one and a half hours before appearing at a press conference. The Administrative Court of Public Contracts of Navarra gave the associations the right to annul the summer activities in the decision of the City Council.
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Navarra Suma has decided to abolish the 8 prevention groups in the districts of Pamplona and has announced that the City Council intends to directly manage the services currently provided by the associations in each district. The Social Affairs Council, María Caballero, reported on the decision at a press conference that will take effect on 1 January 2021.

This measure was adopted without informing the municipal groups and the associations themselves, since an hour and a half before the press conference of the councillor of Navarra Suma, they were informed that the changes would not extend the contracts and that the programme would be managed by the Social Affairs Area.

The decision concerns the following groups: Mendillorri Bidebiri Elkartea, Batean Rotxapea Federazioa, Txantreako SinarZubi Federazioa, Aldezar Elkartea, Arrosadia Yoar Elkartea – Azpilagaña, Etxabakoitz Bizirik Elkartea, Buztintxelchoureando Txuuri Dutea