Navarre Suma apologizes to the families of Zabascene, Arrangi and Rodríguez
  • The Permanent Social Forum appeared this Wednesday in the Parliament of Navarre to take stock of the end of ETA’s armed struggle and emphasise the challenges facing the future. In this context, UPN Parliamentarian Iñaki Iriarte made self-criticism.
Xabier Letona Biteri @xletona 2021eko azaroaren 18a
Iñaki Iriarte Foru Legebiltzarreko sesio batean. (Arg.: EITB)

These were the words of the Member of Parliament of Suma Iñaki Iriarte Navarra in the Committee on Citizens' Relations (Commission spokesman): “Am I saying that in the last 40 years we have done everything right? No, we make self-criticism and say that [Mikel] Zabraise, [Mikel] Arrangi, [Germán] Rodríguez and other families of this kind did not say our affection, that I did not even know how to properly support their rights to justice and, if we are wrong, it is not difficult for us to ask for forgiveness from those families.”

Iriarte appeared in Euskera and criticized the Abertzale left for not being able to say that “ETA was criminal and terrorist”, while UPN has always condemned the murders of GAL and BVE, such as “Muguruza or Brouard”. He stressed that they have not created the LAGs, have not exercised violence, have not made “wars to those who made war.”

A representative of UPN said that it is perhaps the first time that such self-criticism has been publicly heard in Parliament, although it has not been echoed in the state media or Navarros, at least on the morning of the day following the publication of this news.

Victims, welcome and tortured

The lehendakari left in Parliament the book Social Commitment for the construction of a democratic coexistence that has been working in the Social Forum for ten months. Expe Iriarte, representative of the Forum, noted that “the process of resolving the consequences of the cycle of violence in general has advanced”, especially since 2016.

The document, in which it acknowledged that what was opened since 2011 is not the usual peace process, also contains some characteristics that the UN acknowledges for the peace processes. It focused on the victims, the reception of Basque prisoners and torture, which are one of the main nodes generated in the process. He explained that the topic of reception is almost focused: “In 2021, to this day, 25 prisoners have been released and only two of them have been welcomed into public space. And we want to stress that neither of them has been in Navarre.”

As far as the victims are concerned, he said that it is essential to put an end to the distribution that is being carried out today, especially as the victims of ETA are recognised and the victims of state violence are rejected. In this regard, he stressed that "the vision of the first and second victims must be put to an end".

And finally, he referred to the tortured in Navarre and asked that the investigation of torture in the CAV carried out by the Basque Institute of Criminology be carried out also in Navarre, “because it has been shown that it is curable for the victims of torture”. It was therefore proposed to hold in 2022 an act of recognition on the International Day of Victims of Torture, “always with the maximum possible consensus”.