The students of the Herri Eskola de Orduña present their new nature patio in the center
  • On Monday the new patio of the Herri Eskola de Orduña has been presented. After two years of metamorphosis, space is restored, the asphalt area is reduced and the door is opened to a new pedagogy. The school students have presented the details of the new patio.
Aiaraldea @aiaraldea Aimar Gutierrez Bidarte 2023ko apirilaren 18a

The patio of the Herri Eskola de Orduña has been renaturalized after two years of process. The project has been developed by the study of Arquitectura Clave and the project El Globus Vermell, in collaboration with the City Hall of Orduña and all the school agents. It is a living space that has been publicly presented today. In fact, the new play space will have multiple uses and will become one of the main axes of school pedagogy.

Today, space has been presented. The students of the school have been in charge of explaining to the attending families the details of each corner.