Has NATO declared war on Russia?
Germán Gorraiz López 2024ko abuztuaren 24a

The globalists have chosen France, Poland and the United Kingdom to create an open conflict with NATO in November, as the United States is engaged in the election campaign for the November Presidency.

Thus, the presence of soldiers from Poland, France, the United Kingdom and the United States in the attack on Kursk would confirm that NATO entered into an open conflict with Putin's Russia, so Russian nuclear doctrine would allow Putin to use "non-strategic" nuclear weapons, also known as "tactical nuclear weapons".

The offensive in Kursk is the largest attack on Russian sovereign territory since the beginning of the military conflict with Ukraine, where at least 1,000 Ukrainian soldiers, led by NATO elite forces and accompanied by tanks and armoured vehicles, have reached a depth of 30 kilometres since the invasion of Russian territory and Russia, after overcoming the initial surprise, has established a "special regime against terrorism". Kursk, Belgorod and Briansk.

If the advance of the Ukrainian offensive were unsustainable, Russia could opt for the use of tactical nuclear weapons

The objective of the Ukrainian offensive would be to force the Russian command to withdraw from the other sensitive areas of the front and to occupy the nuclear power plant near the city of Kursk in order to consolidate its later positions and to use them as a weapon of pressure in future peace negotiations.

The nuclear doctrine of Russia

It is formally known as ‘basic principles of state policy on nuclear deterrence’, which was signed by Putin in 2020 and which describes when Russia can use its atomic arsenal. In this way, Russia would be "legitimised" to use them, as "attacking the Russian Federation with conventional weapons when the very existence of the state is in danger" would be complied with in the current Ukrainian military operation in Kursk.

For the time being, the Russian Armed Forces have decided to use a three-tonne FAB-3000 air artifact on an area of arms concentration and Ukrainian Army troops in the Sumi region, from where "Kiev has launched a land attack in the Kursk region", according to the Russian Ministry of Defence.

However, if the progress of the Ukrainian offensive were untenable, Russia could opt for the use of tactical nuclear weapons. These weapons are warheads designed to be used on a limited battlefield, for example, if they are used to destroy a tank column, so they are also called "low-performance", but the beginning of a low-intensity nuclear conflict can lead to a large-scale nuclear mix with damaging results for humanity.

Germán Gorraiz López, analyst