The film Napardeath will be shot in Urbasa
  • On Saturday, September 29, the recording will take place in Urbasa and you need "zombies, mummies and dystopian cyclists" to shoot the film.
Guaixe .eus @guaixe 2018ko irailaren 26a
Napardeath filmaren grabaketa egingo dute larunbatean

The filming of Napardeath's "last war" was due to take place in late May, but due to the bad weather the filming of the film was suspended. On Saturday, 29 September, they will return to the Urbasa Andía Natural Park and need figurants. The organization has explained that more information can be obtained or in the Twitter account through a private message.

Napardeath is a film starring Carlist zombies, Jeltzal vampires and Abertzal mummies.