It is undeniable that election campaigns are channelling everyone, not only the society that is being asked first for the attention and then the vote, but also those who are trying to convince the voters on a daily basis.
On the last day, after knowing the results and assessments of each other, the time has come for the negotiations of the protagonists. And finally, after a period of “sedimentation”, there are a number of studies coming, and that is where we are.
In view of the result obtained a few days ago by EH Bildu, and as the initial joy starts to calm down, I have many ideas and doubts about the future. Perhaps the experience accumulated throughout the year says that things do not take care of from day to day, and that being necessary time, it is right to be attentive but quiet. But doubts continue, and more tips and similar headaches.
There are many doubts, because I do not know in the Gasteiz Parliament what colour will explain the collaboration between groups. Because I do not see clearly the value of the votes that the Andueza group will offer on the left.
Neither if the first ones will be long and hard or as sinuous as short. But I think we will be rather than responding to the sack, and perhaps not just at the beginning, but in a very long term legislature.
If this happens, I think it is, we will have jobs, transforming the force received into a source that meets the needs of the people. It will not be easy.
Seeing what is happening and why it is happening, it is difficult to silence the long and deep cry of this people.
Listening like this seems a little hard, but in Euskal Herria we face several tests. In this sense, I know that it is not liked by many and that when they hear the term Vascongadas “sharpen” the ears, but things are so and historically so it has been understood. I am in favour of using this term, I see it as a mirror of discrepancy, which serves to reclaim our awareness of what our real objective is.
However, it is undeniable that there is a desire for integration above this disintegration. And this is not only noted in the elections, but also manifests the desire to join a certain community and to set in motion the necessary paths. But like Franco's time, what happens to us is that we know our story told by others. In other words, it remains in the hands of our rivals, and that must be changed.
Today, the integration that drives PSOE, PP and theirs is impossible, not possible, without all those who want to integrate having a role. Otherwise it is not integration, but colonization. Furthermore, they drive Spanish integration, and if I am not mistaken, the election results say that most Basques do not agree, they want something else.
We know the messengers, also the message; an indisputable objective that claims coexistence, is worth agreeing. And all the decision-making power is worth, but to decide, what Spanish “nationalists” want, and so what do Basque nationalists want?
Forcing, imposing, to be Spanish? Is that coexistence?
That is why we have been looking for political normalisation and peace for a project among all. But we do not all see political normalization and peace alike. That's why in so long.
However, it is not the only popular problem, it is not the will of this electoral people, but the awareness and sensitivity of this people. That is a lengthy, cruel and interested manipulation which has been deeply confused.
It is true that the steps taken so far have borne fruit, but it must be acknowledged that it is true that the demystification of autonomy is being tougher than we thought in the past. That is, demonstrating that it is a venomous gift offered by the Spanish State to this country. Because it is very difficult, in all processes of national liberation, for the dominant power to have used autonomy as an antidote to independence, all previous “instruments” have failed.
The new message that is driving the PSOE today, which needs so many “aids” to gain power. The silent cry coming from Madrid says that federalism, both in Catalonia and in the CAV, would be a proposal that would reassure internal and external conflicts.
It may be for the better, but it may also be a further step, without sovereignty, which can be a deadly trap than an intermediate step, in the face of this country’s freedom.
Therefore, there is no doubt that this project that everyone seems to want will not be without confrontation, at least if it is a project of the Basque community. But if, by renouncing all the existing signs of identity, it is a question of integrating the province as a Spanish, nobody will bring normalization and peace to this country. And I fear that some Basque political forces, however little, which today have more strength, will go down that road.
And it's undeniable, they have their reasons and not their reasons. The recovery of power will be achieved through the path taken so far. So what can the trainera of the PNV make a diversion decision that she has never made?
So the people will thank all of us, all the right-wing and left-wing nationalists. If we succeed in making this happen – I have serious doubts – and working on our own path, we need an honest debate that we have not done so far.
And it's that on top of the table we only look like our real choices, because it's not the same thing as wanting and power. I believe that in this way we can put this small town, as it is worth some time ago, on the road to freedom. If not, who are we waiting for, why the harsh suffering of so many years?
Josu Iraeta, writer