General rules for the promotion and conciliation of courses in Navarra
  • By the end of the course of this year, promotion will be the norm at all stages. In other words, the repetition of the course will be very exceptional. The final evaluation criteria will be adjusted and will focus on basic learning. The curriculum of this evaluation will be made more flexible. The plan of the Government of Navarra is to combine the end of the course and the beginning of the next one, for which the curricula of both courses are combined.
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi Estitxu Eizagirre @eeizagirre 2020ko apirilaren 19a

The Government of Navarra announced on 17 April the general criteria for the end of the course and is part of the framework proposed by the Government of Spain, in which both parties are governing, as expected.

The Minister of Education of Navarra, Carlos Gimeno, stressed that "it is not possible to guarantee equal opportunities among students in this quarter" and has defined the basic criterion of the evaluation as: "The students will not miss the course for the coronavirus. No one can be left behind for that and no one can be harmed by the impact of the pandemic on the learning process.”

Promotional rules

The classes will end on 19 June and the promotion will be the norm at all stages. In other words, the repetition of the course will be very exceptional, it will have to be argued with forcefulness and, as established by the general framework established by the Government of Spain, it will also have to carry out a detailed plan indicating how the course can be recovered.

Making the final evaluation curriculum more flexible and adjusting the evaluation criteria

The final evaluation criteria will be adjusted and will focus on basic learning. The curriculum of this evaluation will be made more flexible.

The plan of the Government of Navarra is to combine the end of the course and the beginning of the next one, for which the curricula of both courses are combined. This is not going to be done in the final years of the stage, that is, in the 4's. ESO and 2nd Baccalaureate and Vocational Training.