In Navarre, the limit of 8 people at home meetings will be recommended from Friday
  • Navarre will make opening, capacity and opening hours more flexible from Friday, following "the roadmap itself". The hours of the activities will be extended until 22:00 hours and a maximum of 8 people and 3 meetings of the cohabitation unit will be recommended.
Euskalerria irratia @fm983irratia 2021eko maiatzaren 20a

Next Friday, 21 May, Order Foral 17/21 will enter into force. With this, Navarre will make the openings, capabilities and schedules of the different sectors and activities more flexible depending on the epidemiological and health situation of COVID-19 in the Foral Community. Among the measures are the schedule of activities 21: Extension from 0 to 22:00 hours and, as far as public and private meetings are concerned, recommendation not to have a maximum of 8 people and three cohabitation units. In this regard, from now on this limit will be a recommendation.

The measures, which will be maintained for the time being for two weeks (until 4 June), are part of a longer time process which is to be further developed on the basis of epidemiological and health indicators obtained in the Foral Government roadmap and which links the objective parameters of COVID-19 with the thresholds for each sector. At present, Navarre is in a moment of transition between the high risk level and the average risk level, and that is where most indicators are already. The advancement of the COVID-19 vaccine is also a very important element in this whole process.

On the other hand, the standard provides for the opening of bingos and gambling halls by 30%, the same capacity that is applied to multifunctional rooms. The maximum closing time, as in general, is 22:00 hours. The Foral Order also provides that, from this Friday, gastronomic societies and vineyards will be opened with the same capacity limit (30%).

These measures, among those presented, are in addition to those in force since Monday, that is, those of hospitality, which will remain open until 22:00 hours, with a capacity of 30%, or with a maximum capacity of occupation, with wider distances between tables. In the latter case, a responsible declaration must be submitted, with technical sheet, which is committed to comply with good practices in the prevention of COVID-19, such as Distances, having a CO2 meter, never exceeding 800 ppm of concentration (parts per million), or ensuring traceability for a fast relationship with customers, if any, more than 200 premises have been added up to this point for the reopening of interiors. Remember that consumption must always be on the table. The terraces have a capacity of 100% and are 01:00 hours the closing limit, including eviction work of the property, and from 00:00 hours no new customers will be allowed.

On the other hand, with the new Foral Order, the capacity of retail will increase to 60%, and playgrounds will have no limits on occupancy. As regards commercial areas, it has increased to 40%. For the development of the activity of tourist guides, groups shall be of a maximum of 18 persons and groups of a maximum of 25 persons shall be authorised in active and nature tourist exits. The Government of Navarre maintains close cooperation with the various sectors in order to deepen the process of open flexibility, maintaining permanent cooperation with local authorities and municipalities of the Foral Community.

Measures in force from Friday

  • Public and private meetings: maximum 8 people and 3 recommended coexistence units.
  • Hospitality: it stays as it is. Capacity of 30% or maximum occupancy capacity, with wider distances between tables. In the latter case, a responsible statement must be submitted that undertakes to follow good practices in the prevention of COVID-19, such as having greater distances between tables, having a CO2 meter or ensuring traceability.
  • Hotels: occupancy of common areas may not exceed 50% of their capacity, while hostels allow a capacity of 30% in rooms with bunk beds where the minimum interpersonal distance cannot be guaranteed.
  • Burial and tanneries: 75 people in open spaces and 15 closed ones. For incineration activities carried out in enclosed spaces and in burial plants, the maximum number shall be 50 persons.
  • Centres of worship: capacity not exceeding 30% and, in any case, 200 persons.
  • Weddings, baptisms, communions and other social, family, religious or civil celebrations: in general, the capacity for such events will not exceed 30 people inside and 50 people outside. Through a technical sheet, they are committed to comply with good preventive practices against COVID-19, as well as in the hospitality industry, and their capacity extends to a maximum of 50 people inside the establishments and to 100 outside or on the terraces. The limit shall be for independent celebrations provided that they are situated in clearly differentiated spaces. The use of dance lanes or spaces enabled for their use shall not be permitted.
  • Hypermarkets, medium and large areas, centres and commercial parks: they shall not exceed 40% of the maximum allowable capacity in each commercial premises situated in them.
  • Retail trade: capacity is extended to 60% of the maximum allowable capacity.
  • Self-schools, non-regulated centres and training centres: classes may be provided in person, provided that they do not exceed 50% of the maximum allowable capacity.
  • Libraries: limit of 50% of maximum capacity. Children's activities may be carried out in libraries and libraries in groups of up to 12 participants.
  • Museums and exhibition halls: 50% capacity cannot be exceeded. Guided tours or activities shall be carried out in groups of up to 18 persons and may be extended to a maximum of 25 persons abroad.
  • Film, theater, auditorium, circus tent and similar activities:50% capacity. No more than 200 people will be allowed inside and no more than 400 people will be allowed outside.
  • Meetings, meetings of shareholders' meetings, professional, business, conferences, events and the like: 50% of the maximum allowable capacity, up to 200 people.
  • Bingos, gambling halls, betting and games: opening 30% of its capacity.
  • Multifunctional spaces for events: not more than 30 people inside and 50 people outside. In any case, these celebrations will not exceed 30% of capacity within the establishments.
  • Gastronomic societies and peƱas: they open up with a maximum capacity of 30%.
  • Gyms: the activity must be carried out by appointment. A space of 20 m2 per person shall be maintained for activities requiring movement and 8 m2 for activities not requiring displacement.
  • Non-professional sports competitions:May be held with a 50% capacity audience and may not exceed 200 people in closed facilities and 400 people in outdoor spaces.
  • Targeted physical-sports activities: maximum 10 people in enclosed spaces and 15 people if certain requirements are met.
  • Pools:The capacity will be 50% and changing rooms and showers may be used.
  • Playgrounds and outdoor sports areas: unlimited capacity.
  • Alcohol Sale:Prohibited between 21:00 and 8:00 hours, except in establishments licensed for bars, coffee shows, bars, cafes and restaurants.