Strasbourg analyzes the double violation not tried in Navarra
  • In 2016, two women reported the rape in Pamplona. In 2018 the suit was filed and there was no trial. The victims’ lawyer has denounced the irregularities committed in the investigation by the Spanish Police, the Prosecutor’s Office and the Court of Navarra. The Spanish State may compensate the victims and, if no agreement is reached, the trial will begin.
ARGIA @argia 2024ko maiatzaren 21
Sexu erasoen aurkako manifestazio bat Iruñean. Argazkia: Euskalerria Irratia

The news was given by the newspaper Gara and spoke to the victims' lawyer, José Luis Beaumont. He says that the European Court of Human Rights has initiated an unprecedented investigation. The European Court takes about two years to appeal and answer, and in the case of the complaint by two women, it has decided in four months. The lawyer reported irregularities in the investigation.

The Spanish State will be able to compensate the victims, and if there is no agreement, the trial will begin. Furthermore, the European Court will ask the Spanish State what has happened since 2016, that is, what it has done to protect the victims and that the tests do not disappear. Attorney Beaumont has told the newspaper that “six years later and with the destruction of the most important evidence”, he does not believe that a fair trial can be made.

Gara has explained that one of the police officers who must investigate the two violations is the brother-in-law of one of the men accused of rape. The lawyer claims that there have been irregularities in the investigation process since the beginning. Among other things, tests were removed at the police station of the Spanish police in Pamplona and the Navarro justice system did not follow them. Some frames engraved by a bar's security camera also disappeared. The two defendants were released and the evidence disappeared with impunity.

Chemical submission violations

The two young women participated on December 8, 2016 in the Casco Viejo de Pamplona and the following day they woke up in a house in another neighborhood. For many hours, what happened was not remembered. In the house there were two men they met at night. They left home with the taxi. One of them went to the emergency room a few days later, as he felt pain in various parts of his body. The hospital staff told him he had evidence of a chemical submission violation. They both felt grieved and dizzy.