Doctors who have unduly received money in Navarre must return it
  • This has been announced by Javier Remirez, Vice-President of the Government of Navarra and Public Service Advisor, following the complaints made by LAB and the Office for Combating Corruption and Good Practice.
Xabier Letona Biteri @xletona 2023ko maiatzaren 26a
Javier Ramirez Nafarroako Gobernuko lehendakariordea. (Argazkia: EITB)

In response to questions raised by the media this Thursday, Javier Remirez explained that the Foral Government is currently open to numerous complaints investigation dossiers that will force doctors to reintegrate unduly collected amounts.

LAB denounced in March the exclusivity of Osakidetza, some EUR 800 per month, when several doctors who were patricing were working in the private area. The law allows street doctors to work in private but without charging this work exclusively.

Remirez explained that the complaints began to be followed and that the dossiers were opened to the relevant cases. He also pointed out that he asked the Health Department to properly devote the jobs of those in charge who are not governed by the regime in the services or section heads of hospitals.