In Navarre aid will be granted to 142 municipalities in a situation of depopulation
  • The Government of Navarre will allocate EUR 500,000 to support the depopulation of workers. The deadline for submitting projects to be financed by the municipalities will be opened in July.
Iraitz Madariaga Etxebarria 2021eko ekainaren 29a
Abaurregaina, despopulazio egoeran dagoen Nafarroako herri bat. Argazkia: Zariquiegui

The Department of Territorial Cohesion of Navarre will allocate EUR 500,000 to grants to depopulated areas. 142 municipalities may submit the application. The deadline for the submission of projects will be opened in July and the plans will be implemented between 1 January and 15 November 2021.

The total allocation of grants is EUR 500,000. Grants will be awarded on the basis of the degree of depopulation of each City Hall: municipalities with eight or fewer inhabitants per square kilometre will be able to receive 80% of the total cost of the project; those with between eight and 12.5 square kilometres, 75%; those with between 12.5 and 25, 70%; those with more than 25 inhabitants per square kilometre, but with a decrease in population density of 15% between 1989 and 2019, 65% did not meet the requirements.

Projects may receive maximum support of EUR 60,000: Projects supported by a single City Hall or Community, EUR 40,000 will be supported for plans submitted between EUR 2 and 60,000 to those established by three Municipalities or Communities.

Municipalities may submit projects related to different areas to the call. Plans to boost trade and tourism, to promote entrepreneurship and technology, to implement digital services and to promote culture and the rural environment and their customs. Awareness-raising and awareness-raising campaigns and plans to increase social services can also be presented, aimed at the elderly, young people, women, families and groups in situations of exclusion.

174 depopulated municipalities

In Navarre there are 174 municipalities in a situation of depopulation, of which 142 are eligible for funding. The remaining 32 are part of the Pirenaico Plan and have specific support to deal with the eviction of the population.