Twelve officials have asked the Delegation of the Government of Navarra to "expressly and without interpretation, leave all the activities carried out in vegetable gardens intended for the production of food for self-consumption". They propose "planting" for self-consumption orchards, spreading the following message: "Navarra wants to eat from her vegetable garden."
In the statement, they explained that in each community the government delegation is making a different interpretation of Royal Decree 463/2020 and that the interpretation being made by the government delegate in Navarra is "restrictive and different from what is done in other autonomous communities".
Council for Organic Agricultural Production of Navarra (NNPEK), Ekologistak Martxan, EHNE Navarra, Seed Network of Navarra, Greenpeace, REAS Navarra (Alternative Economy and Solidarity Network), Mugarik Gabe Nafarroa, Mundubat, Coast, Helianto, La Fertility.
The entities that adhere to this request (collectives, associations, municipalities...) can sign here. All the signatures received will be sent to the Delegation of Navarra on 29 April.