Union of organic producers of cereals, fodder and legumes in Navarre
  • In the middle of the fall season in Errigora, the buyer meets a new product: The dried lentils of the Hazialdeko project.
Garazi Zabaleta 2021eko azaroaren 05a

Two years ago, producers that are now part of the Hazialdeko project began to meet, with the aim of launching a joint project to strengthen the cereals and legumes sector. “We were given the opportunity to come together to a subsidy to buy a machine to clean the seed,” says David Ruiz Azpilikueta. It is from Bakedano and most of its members are from the south and the center of Navarre, although there are also some of the Pyrenees and the north among them. They all work in an ecological and extensive model.

Responding to the request for pulses

The partners have continued with the collaboration established for the purchase of the seed cleaning machine and have continued to work to structure the sector. It was found that there were few legumes in Navarre and that, at the same time, demand for legumes was increasing. “There were hardly any local pulses, but the demand was high in both the ecological and conventional models.” With the aim of reversing this situation, five or six of the project's 15 partners have begun producing legumes on their lands. Lentils, chickpeas, beans… they do everything.

“At the moment we have about 40 hectares of legumes among them all, and we are working with Errigora and Ekoalde,” says Ruiz. Until recently grazing land occupied most of the hectares of producers, but little by little they have been increasingly devoted to the production of organic legumes. “We agreed prices and made a joint brand with our name and logo of Hazialde.”

The other two legs of the project: wheat and fodder

In addition to pulses, project members also produce cereals and fodder. “We produce quality wheat for bakeries and our goal is to connect with the local bakers,” said Bakedano’s producer. They have the same intention with the farmers. Joint work is your way, and that is what you want to look for with the other sectors as well. “The organisation and coordination between producers, bakers, farmers and others is necessary, and for this we are now thinking of hiring a worker,” he added.

They're the first few years of growth and they're gradually growing, but they also have a lot of projects that look to the future. “Starting to transform our products can be a good bet, such as wheat flour, or barley malt,” he says. It is about adding value to your product and freeing it from the dependence they have always had on large distributors and cooperatives. “In the end, when we address these types of companies, prices are very low and you always depend on the market,” he concluded.