Public sector employees in Navarre on strike on 15 February
  • Trade unions ELA, LAB, CCOO, UGT and Steilas call for improved working conditions and "real" negotiation.
Leire Rodriguez Garmendia @leirero_22 2023ko otsailaren 07a
Argazkia: EITB.

The unions ELA, LAB, CCOO, UGT and Steilas have called on the entire public sector under the Government of Navarra to mobilise to improve working conditions and public service. They require "real" and content negotiation at legally established tables and forums. "We are seeing things being negotiated outside the tables that are contrary to the quality of the public service and we think this cannot be accepted," explains Isabel Artieda, head of LAB.

They call for improved working conditions for workers in the sector to build better public services. For example, to put an end to the policy of privatising the public sector and to turn away what has so far been privatised.

Exercise of foreign competence

On the other hand, the trade unions request that the Government of Navarra exercise its powers of self-government. As well as reducing job stability and temporality below 8% and adjusting the staff dimensioning.

The trade unions believe that improvements should be made for all staff and to this end they should be negotiated at the legally established tables and forums. They say that with the strike they want to force the Government of Navarra to carry out a real and substantive negotiation in the Sectoral Bureaux and the General Bureau.