The majority of the Parliament of Navarre and all the trade unions call for an end to the policy of dispersion.
  • Navarre Suma has remained only in the opposite position to the motion. All trade unions in Navarre have adhered to the motion, which has been rejected by LAB. The Etxerat association applauded the declaration adopted by the parliamentary majority on the initiative of the Navarra Permanent Social Forum (PSN).
Euskalerria irratia @fm983irratia 2021eko urtarrilaren 22a
Espetxe politika aldatzeko sindikatu guztiek Iruñean egindako manifestazio bat.

Today, the plenary of Parliament has adopted a resolution with the votes in favour of the PSN, Geroa Bai, EH Bildu, Rub-Ahal Dugu and I-E and against Navarre Sum by which the Parliament of Navarre urges the Government of Spain to comply with the social penalties that so desire, taking into account “the principle of reinsertion established in the General Law of Prisons.

The resolution adopted calls on the Government of Spain, in its second paragraph, “to draw up a plan to analyse all the possibilities offered by the penitentiary center of Pamplona to accommodate all prisoners of origin, habitual residence or family environment in Navarre, in compliance with the principle of voluntary activity”.

The text has received broad support. The text has come to Parliament on the initiative of the Permanent Social Forum of Navarra, and the unions ELA, LAB, UGT, CCOO, Steilas, ESK, EHNE, HIRU, Solidari, CNT and CGT have joined the motion.

The Etxerat Association has welcomed the declaration adopted by the majority of citizens in the Upper House. Tomorrow they will be making an appearance alongside the Sare platform to explain their position on the situation of prisoners.

In its explanatory statement, the resolution submitted by Geroa Bai, EH Bildu, Rub-Ahal Dugu and Left-Ezkerra, taking into account the current epidemiological context, and taking into account Parliament’s various statements on the General Penitentiary Law, requests the transfer to Pamplona of the 200 prisoners dispersed in different prisons in the State with habitual residence or family environment. In fact, it is argued that compliance with penalties far from their usual place of residence prevents the promotion of rehabilitation and social inclusion.

Therefore, and knowing that the prison in Pamplona has a space to accommodate about a thousand people, the importance of enabling rapprochement is underlined. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, and in order to adequately protect public health, “it is even more reasonable to avoid any risk to the population, due to the long displacements of family and friends of dams”.