Parliament of Navarre approves the four budgets of the legislature
  • As in the three years prior to the Government of Chivite, PSN, Geroa Bai, Podemos and Left-Ezkerra voted in favour, Navarra Suma contra and EH Bildu abstained.
Mikel Urabaien Otamendi @mikel_ura 2022ko abenduaren 23a

Although after the 2019 forced elections he did not enter the government of four, EH Bildu has been in the hands of EH Bildu year after year in Chivite’s mandate. The result has been the same: the Abertzale left has made soft criticisms that the legislature was becoming “an unused opportunity”, but has abstained and given way to its adoption. Consequently, Navarre Suma only remains with the vote against, voting in favour of PSN, Geroa Bai, Podemos and Left-Ezkerra.

María Jesús Valdemoros, spokesman for Navarra Suma, said that “Chivite wanted to give an image of plurality”, but that it was a “misrepresentation” because he did not speak with the party led by Javier Esparza. “It was clear that he was not going to negotiate with us, because the parties supporting the Spanish Government have promised it.”

“The propaganda campaigns of the Foral Government are useless because they cannot hide that they leave Navarre worse than them, poorer and full of despair.” According to Vldemoro, he has left, among others, “outsiders, health workers, farmers, farmers, self-employed farmers or ETA victims.” “That’s why we could vote no, not to justify a party like EH Bildu that wants Navarra to disappear.”

The other parties underline the consensus between them. Ramón Alzórriz of the PSN speaks of “stability of the Government of Navarra” and criticizes “the blackmail of Navarra Suma to reject EH Bildu”. “We politicians should seek constructive and non-destructive agreements and solutions.”

Mikel Buil de Podemos makes a general reading of the last two legislatures: “These budgets have continued the trajectory begun in 2015 with the government of change,” although it does not consider “enough” what has been done so far. Marisa de Simon, from Left-Ezkerra, wanted to clarify that “although his party’s budgets are not, in this complex socio-economic situation it is important that they help maintain the purchasing power of many families.”

On the other hand, Laura Aznal of EH Bildu pointed out that “the intention of dialogue to agree budgets” is positive. “They are the eighth consecutive budgets, and the right cannot say the same thing where it commands, for example in the City of Pamplona.”

The approved 2023 budgets are the highest in the history of Navarra: €5,749 million, 9.9% more than in 2022. Of this money for next year, EUR 510 million, or 9%, will be earmarked for the payment of public debt.