The Parliament of Navarre approves the 2019 budgets with four votes
  • For the fourth time in a row, the Government of Navarra will have budgets thanks to the support of Geroa Bai, EH Bildu, Alhal Dugu, Orain Bai and Left-Ezkerra. UPN, PSN and pp voted against this Thursday morning in Vitoria-Gasteiz.
ARGIA @argia 2018ko abenduaren 20a
Ostegun goizean onartu dute Nafarroako 2019ko aurrekontu orokorrentzako legea (arg: Nafarroako Parlamentua)

The accounts amount to EUR 127 million more than this year, 16% more, and the spending ceiling that the executive of Uxue Barkos will have is EUR 4,016 million, much of them "for the social sphere", as highlighted by the four parties supporting this government. In total, 161 amendments were adopted in the parliamentary committees, including three tabled by the opposition forces.

The parties supporting the government have taken advantage of their intervention in the Parliament of Navarre to make an assessment of the four-year budgets. In this regard, EH spokesman Bildu, Adolfo Araiz, recalled that the foreign community's finances "have improved" since the change and budgets have increased by 500 million.

PONS GRAU (PPE). — (ES) Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, I should like to begin by congratulating the rapporteur, Mr Pons Grau, on his excellent report. During the debate, a group of 20 citizens has turned their backs on government members on the stands every time they spoke.