Rural workers in Navarre call to end the precariousness of the sector in Pamplona
  • They underline the “harsh working conditions” suffered by workers in the sector and call for the use of a dignified convention to end abuses by employers.
Izaro Villarreal Lauroba 2023ko abenduaren 04a
Argazkia: LAB Sindikatua

Field workers have come out on the streets this Sunday at the mobilization of the LAB trade union in Pamplona. They demand decent conditions for all the staff working in this sector in Navarra. Remember that most workers are migrants: in Navarre there are more and more vulnerable groups, but employers often use their weak situation to exploit workers.

LAB highlights the precarious working conditions of workers: “They have very low wages and harsh working conditions. Many times they have to work for landowners who do not respect the most basic labor rights regulated by law.”


The union recalls that the precariousness and extinction of work accidents, the dignification of wages and the demand for payment of colonial debt are essential conditions for a new decent agreement. Among others, the main demands will be: Guarantee the CPI, have a continuous working day and two days of rest, pay for transportation to work to avoid fatal accidents, have permits that take into account the distance of the family members and enable their care, collect the unemployment of those who do not work, eliminate the unfair and enlightened category of the retriever pawn and have an effective control of the days to avoid fraud of the hours actually worked.