The Council of Navarre says that the Pirritx Baluarte Agreement, Porrotx eta Marimototots is legal
  • Last Friday, October 29, the clowns of Katxiporreta offered at the Baluarte de Pamplona the show Bizi Dantza, but the municipal government of Navarra Suma at the City Council of Pamplona dismissed the hiring on the grounds that the contract made by the previous consistory presented numerous legal deficiencies.
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The clowns and their lawyer have come to the Junta de Navarra and the Council of Navarre, where both structures have decided that the contract is legal. The financial controller asked the city council run by Enrique Maya to make the show possible, and the Council of Navarre stated that there are no reasons to revoke the show and that the contract has been formalized within the current legality.

According to the Council, it is possible to make artistic contracts without advertising, even more so when, as in this case, “it is the only show”. The organization also says that the procurement procedure could have been done much better, but stresses that it is not “completely outside the normal procedures”, as it ultimately has the two most important components: on the one hand, the signed agreement clearly states what the award is and, on the other, it clearly states how this is to be paid. For all these reasons, the Council considered that the City of Pamplona did not do well to resolve the clowns contract.