The Navarro Institute of Sport calls for support for physical activity programmes
  • It is aimed at elderly people, patients with chronic diseases and local projects of physical activity and health. The aid amounts to EUR 200,000.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko azaroaren 02a
Ediren kooperatibaren argazkia.

The Navarro Institute of Sport calls for financial support to local entities in Navarre for the promotion of various projects of physical activity and health aimed at the whole population, as well as specific programs aimed at the elderly and patients with chronic diseases.

The call has a budget of EUR 200,000. Of these, EUR 110,000 will be used to support courses and programs of physical activity for the elderly and chronically ill, and EUR 90,000 for local projects of physical activity and salud.Las Local Entities of Navarra will be able to submit their requests electronically until 5 November.

Through these courses, programs and projects it is intended to respond to the objectives of the Navarra Activa/Nafarroa Aktiboa program, as well as to the objectives of improving the quality of life of citizens in compliance with the strategy and programmatic agreement for active and healthy aging of Navarra. It is a joint action by several government departments to promote physical activity and exercise in Navarre.