Trade unions call on the government to comply with the Pact for the Improvement of the Quality of Public Education of Navarra
  • That pact was signed on 14 September last year and since then there has been no subsequent rule repealing that pact: "Therefore, it must be complied with," says the unions LAB, Steilas, Afapna, Anpe, CCOO and UGT. To claim it, this Friday morning they appeared at the headquarters of the Ministry of Education in Pamplona/Iruña.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko ekainaren 12a
Sindikatuetako ordezkariak ostiral goizeko agerraldian Hezkuntza Kontseilaritzaren aurrean, Iruñean

This explains the case in the document submitted to the drafting: "The validity of the pact began at the time of its signature and will continue until 31 August 2022. The content will automatically extend until a new agreement is signed. The measures provided for in this Treaty shall be complied with on the date set out in the section or point concerned, or within the period of validity of the Treaty.

The Minister of Education, Carlos Gimeno, has undertaken to comply with the pact in the Parliament of Navarra, in the programmatic agreement, at the Public Education sector table and in various statements to the media. The counselor cannot miss the word given.

The Parliament of Navarre unanimously adopted on 10 June 2020 a Resolution to continue to comply with the Pact for the Improvement of the Quality of Public Education of Navarre and urged the Government to reduce working time for teachers over 57 years from September 2020, as stated in the Pact".

According to the trade unions, this is not the first time that the pacts have not been met: "The pact signed for 2007-2011 was not fulfilled either. Besides the non-compliance, brutal cuts were applied to public education".

"The pact was made with the government, after a long and laborious negotiation. Many knots had to be released on the budget. Therefore, the excuse that there is no money makes no sense; it would be better to say that they do not want to invest in public education.

If the pact were to be fulfilled, many details would be improved: training, replacements, ratios, treatment of diversity, promotion of small schools, school canteens, energy autonomy, free software, etc. ".

In play hours of management and working hours for over 57 years

"In the measures of the Concert there are two fundamental elements: the compensation of management hours in small schools and the reduction of school hours by age. The latter is not being complied with and is not foreseen in the templates for the next course," the unions explained.

"Reduction of the teaching burden of teachers over 60 years of age. This was to be implemented in 2019-20, but nothing has been done (one-third of the working day and not having to be in the centre).

Reduction of teaching hours to faculty over 57 years in the course 2020-21 (3 sessions).

All this coincides with the drastic reduction in the number of substitutions during the alarm period. It is therefore essential that the Government of Navarre reflect and do not curtail more rights to public education teachers".