The highest budgets in the history of Navarre have passed the phase of amendments almost in full agreement
  • The 2023 budgets of the Government of Navarra will be approved on 22 December. Except for Navarra Suma, the other parties welcome the parliamentary consensus. The highest budgets of the Foral Community will be: €5,749 million, 9.9% more than in 2022.
Mikel Urabaien Otamendi @mikel_ura 2022ko abenduaren 16a

The vote on the budgets of the Government of Navarra in 2023 will be one more year merely a formality. Therefore, if there are no perverse surprises, the EUR 5,749 million budgets that the original proposal contained in the plenary of the Foral Parliament next Thursday will be approved, exceeding by 9.9% the largest in history, those of 2022.

Another year, as happened in the three years prior to the legislature of María Chivite, Navarra Suma was the only party that opposed the budgets. Having tabled the whole amendment which did not obtain, in the case of partial amendments, from 707 to 382 amendments by the party of Javier Esparza, more than half. Geroa Bai has submitted 93, PSN 83, EH Bildu 47, Left-Ezkerra fifteen and Ahal Duguk fourteen. There are 89 more of them as a result of the combinations between different aspects.

Upcoming elections

None of the 347 amendments adopted received the vote in favour of Navarre Suma. The other groups have interpreted it as a strategy for the elections next May and have accused the coalition of UPN, PP and Citizens of “irresponsible”.

On the other hand, the parties supporting the Government have welcomed the general consensus between them and all PSN spokesmen have on several occasions expressed the hope of extending Chivite’s mandate. Geroa Bai, Ahal Duguk and Left-Ezkerra have highlighted the government’s “stability”.

To give an idea of this almost total consensus of all of them, including EH Bildu, the following data is very significant: With regard to the forecasts submitted by the government last October, the amendments adopted include items affecting less than 0.3% of the budget. That is, the remaining 99.97% has remained exactly the same.