The Educational Community Forum considers the measures presented by the Departments of Education and Health of Navarra to be insufficient
  • The forum of the Educational Community, composed of all the educational unions of Navarra, the associations of parents and groups of students, has called for a “return to the entire course, safe, face-to-face and consensual” and has called for measures to “guarantee health in schools”.
Erran .eus @erran_eus 2020ko abuztuaren 26a

The Departments of Education and Health of the Government of Navarra announced last Thursday the beginning of the course measures. The Educational Community Forum pointed out in a communiqué that it was aware of them ‘through the press’ and added that ‘to date we do not yet know exactly what the measures contain’. The essence and form of this process is considered ‘unacceptable’ because ‘we do not see guarantees or coherence in the return to classrooms safely, nor have pedagogical and emotional criteria been adopted for this purpose’.

In particular, they are "concerned" about the return of students with special educational needs "which have reduced the recruitment of caregivers, rather than strengthening them".

The forum is made up of all the education unions in Navarra (LAB, Steilas, Afapna, ANPE, CCOO, ELA, UGT, SEPNA and CSIF), as well as the associations of parents (Britila, Derpa, sortzen, Gurasoak on the move) and student groups (Ernai, lean. And they ratify the points agreed last week:

- Creation of a dialogue forum with negotiation and consensus capacity, including all actors in the educational community without exclusions.

- Classroom teaching at all levels, agreed with the educational community, to guarantee the right to education on equal opportunities and to try to balance the inequalities highlighted in the period of telematic classes.

- A safe educational environment, ensuring the health of workers and pupils. To this end, the Forum requests:

► Contingency plans for each center, developed and implemented by the prevention service.

► Decrease in ratios.

► Extension of templates.

► Planning of alternative spaces.

► Special protection for the most vulnerable workers.

► Person responsible for occupational health in each centre.

► Health workers in educational institutions.

► Working pedagogical and emotional criteria.

► Paying special attention to the most vulnerable pupils.

► No reversal in the working conditions of workers.

► Provide, if necessary, technological resources for all pupils and teachers.

► Adaptation of ancillary services (transport, dining room, cleaning...) with the necessary guarantees for users and staff, and extension of the necessary services.

► Conciliation measures to deal with emerging situations.

The Forum wants all these measures "to be implemented in short and medium-term planning" and to this end it has called for "the necessary investments". In this regard, he explained that he will continue to mobilize until the necessary measures are taken to curb the crisis.