The Government of Spain will declare several catastrophic areas of Navarre
  • The President of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sánchez, has announced that an agreement will be concluded to declare the areas affected by the fires catastrophic.
Maddi Viana Zubimendi @maddi76_ 2022ko ekainaren 23a
Suak kaltetutako lurrak. Argazkia: Gotzon, @GotzonAr Twitterren.

According to the Government of Navarra some 10,000 hectares have been burned for fires. The Government of Spain was therefore requested to declare a catastrophic zone of the affected land. On 22 June, Pedro Sánchez states that the request has been accepted and that the agreement will be reached immediately.

The President of Navarra, Maria Chivite, will meet on 4 July with the mayors of the municipalities concerned to begin the work of recovering the lands damaged by the fires.

State of fires

Other fires have occurred on 22 June, such as: In the Erice area, in the Tudela area and in the Albes railway area. Most unextinguished fires remain under control, including those mentioned. Most of the recent fires have occurred in the vicinity of railways, due to the sparks generated by trains.

Hogueras de San Juan

The Government of Navarre has reminded the public that the hogueras of San Juan are held on 24 June, but it is forbidden to ignite fires on non-urbanizable land according to Order Foral 222/2016. Foral order number 11. The article points out that in the festivities of romerías and towns “the use of fire for this activity during the summer season is generally prohibited”, that is, from June 15 until the end of September.