LAB denounces the assaults suffered by workers in some juvenile centres in Navarra and calls for its publication
  • The rally was held this Wednesday in Pamplona, in front of the Department of Social Rights. In addition to denouncing the long period of structural precariousness, they have asked the Government of Navarra to "take action on the matter".  
Iraitz Madariaga Etxebarria 2021eko ekainaren 10
LABen elkarretaratzea Iruñean, Eskubide Sozialen Departamentuaren parean. Argazkia: LAB

The LAB trade union has denounced the risk situations suffered by workers in the juvenile centres privatized and subcontracted by the Government of Navarra. The rally was held this Wednesday in Pamplona/Iruña, opposite the Department of Social Rights. They have called on the government to publish the service and to resolve the "structural and continuing precariousness" suffered by those affected.

In recent weeks, workers from several juvenile centers in Navarre have been attacked in several localities in Navarre. According to LAB, the facts have been "serious" and "important". Two workers have been knocked down practically by the stairs, beaten a security worker with fractures in the ankle, the tibia and the fibula, crushed another worker, who has suffered some blackening and had breathing difficulties.

Results of precarious situation

However, the trade union considers that the problem goes beyond these punctual facts. Oihan Ataun, head of social intervention at LAB, told the media that “we don’t have to focus there.” The facts are the result of a situation of structural and prolonged precariousness, caused by the privatization of essential social services.

According to the union, the situation has been fostered by the policies imposed by the subcontracted companies responsible for the management of the service. The ratios of the staff of the centers, both direct care, security and administration personnel, are excessively low, companies make arbitrary changes in the requirements of qualifications, the lack of prevention of occupational risks and corrective measures and the high temporary hiring.

Faced with this situation, the concentrates have denounced the "lack of public control" and demanded the Government of Navarra to "take action on the matter". In addition, they have asked the Government to develop control mechanisms for these private enterprises, as long as they do not publish essential services.