Navarre’s 2023 budgets do not resist social impoverishment, according to the Social Rights Charter
  • The institutions that make up the letter have concentrated on the Parliament of Navarra, not on these budgets! Tax reform in the face of impoverishment. @ahotsainfo 2022ko abenduaren 22a

The Charter of Social Rights consists of different social movements and numerous trade unions. On Wednesday it was reported to the Parliament of Navarra that the budgets presented by the Government of Navarra (PSN, Geroa Bai and Podemos also) and little modified by EH Bildu do not serve to deal with the impoverishment suffered by almost all the inhabitants of Navarra. They have also been critical of the tax measures agreed by these political parties. They consider that they fall short to advance fundamentally in the distribution of wealth generated with the effort of the workers.

The Charter of Social Rights considers, on the one hand, that the payment of debt to banks and investment funds is a fully conditional budget. Moreover, they are restrictive as they grow less than last year’s inflation and the projected GDP by 2023. Finally, they are not able to respond to the needs of strengthening and improving public services, such as health, the publication of care for dependency, access to housing, the guarantee of decent pensions, etc.

Public health has absurd waiting lists and primary care is collapsed; public social rights budgets are granted to multinationals and senior citizens' homes to stock market investments in the private business; guaranteed income is still far below the SMI, the complement of minimum pensions does not rise to EUR 1,080, following the criteria of the European Social Charter; educational investment remains far from the European average and the right to speculation.

At the same time, the Charter of Social Rights considers that the tax measures agreed upon are not sufficient. The letter considers that tax reform is necessary to increase revenue at the expense of those who have the most. Two legislatures have passed since UPN left the Government of Navarra and the tax privileges of business and capital have hardly been affected. The left-wing forces must really commit themselves to changing the unfair taxation that exists in Navarre.

Therefore, the Letter of Social Rights of Euskal Herria rejects the budgets presented by the Government of Navarra for the year 2023. "We are clear that mobilisation is necessary to strengthen the demand for deep tax reform, so that those who have the most pay more. We demand the use of data collected to reduce social inequality derived from the capitalist system and government policies".