Navarre will maintain up to June 50% discounts on public transport
  • The Government of Navarra will extend the 50% discounts on public transport for six months, until 30 June 2025. The central government will assume 30% of the cost of the transport card, while the Government of Navarra will assume 20%. Compared to the previous year,

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Compared to the previous year, in 2024, the use of public transport in Navarre has grown by 12.2%. The Government of Navarre has underlined that these aids are aimed at improving access to public transport and promoting sustainable mobility in Navarre. The measure aims to "offer an alternative to private cars, encourage public transport and help Navarre families to alleviate the effects of inflation and the energy crisis", he said.

Starting in the second half of 2025, the Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility envisages additional measures to consolidate public transport and reduce the use of private vehicles.

“Public transport is essential to help Navarre families and achieve a more sustainable future,” said Berta Miranda, Director General of Transport and Sustainable Mobility of Navarre. The Government has reiterated its commitment to sustainable mobility, prioritizing the well-being of citizens and the protection of the environment.