26% of Navarros have a level of Basque knowledge
  • Nastat, Statistics Institute of Navarra, has published the results of the study carried out in 2022. The proportion of vasco-speakers is 15.1%, that of vasco-speaking receptors 11.6% and that of non-vasco-speakers 73.3%. In twenty municipalities the proportion of Euskaldunes exceeds 80%.
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Iturria: Nastat.

The age group with the highest number of vasco-speakers is under 15 years. Vasco-speakers (able to speak in Basque) were 26.6% and Euskaldunes (who understand Basque but do not speak well) were 21.1%. The next section of the Euskaldun age is 15 to 24 years. 26.1% is Euskaldun and 19.7% is a Vasco-speaking receptor. Those over 65 years of age have the lowest percentage: 8.3% are Euskaldunes and 6.9% are Euskaldunes.

It is Euskaldun 62% of the population living in the Vascophony zone, in the mixed zone 13.8% and in the non-Vascophony zone 2.8%.

As for the birth zone, the data are that 74.3% of those born in the vascophony zone are vasco-speakers, while in the non-vascophony zone the figure is 2.9%.

There are 272 municipalities in Navarre, and in twenty of them, all of them from the Basque area, the proportion of Euskaldunes exceeds 80%. In 18 municipalities, all of them from a non-vascophony zone, 1% of the population is Euskaldun.

Jabi Arakama (Euskarabidea): “The upward trend of recent years is consolidated”

The Basque radio interviewed Jabi Arakama, director of Euskarabidea, about the results of Nastat. He stresses that the number of Euskaldunes has increased in percentage and absolute terms: “It is good news, which shows that the upward trend has been consolidated and shows the desire and will of a large part of Navarre society”.

The radio announcer has commented on the different results according to the socio-linguistic situation of each place, and Arakama has pointed out that socio-linguistic situations influence the knowledge, use and adherence of Euskera. He comments on historical reasons and recalls that Euskera has been in some areas less linguistic than in others. However, he has also underlined the impact of the policies of recent years, and so he said: “at the time of UPN, especially in some places, the Basque Country has been transmitted as strange and that has had its consequences”.

The announcer has put on the table the difference between the results of the vascophony and non-vascophony zones. He says that the Basque prestige is being sought in the non-Basque area and that “good results” are being collected. It mentions the 14-15 lines of model D opened in educational centers, as well as the dissemination of model A (Basque language) “in relatively difficult localities” such as Fustiñana and Corella.

The announcer and Arakama wanted to finish the radio interview in positive. The director of Euskarabidea said: “We know what the situation of our language is, but we also have very clear developments and are improving. We want to strengthen and deepen the evolution, and tools.”