The population of the Navarros Pyrenees has decreased by 13.3% in the last decade
  • In ten years, the influence of depopulation and institutional exclusion has led the Navarros to crumble. There are also four other regions that can reach a similar situation: Pre-Pyrenees, Sangüesa, Centro and Jurramendi.
Igor Galarza Intxausti @IgorGalarza 2020ko urtarrilaren 14a
Izabak, Nafar Piriniotako herri ezagunenetarikoak, 1.342 biztanle zituen 2017an.

The tendency of the inhabitants of the hamlet or small towns to make the leap to the cities is very later, but in Navarre the demographic inequality between territories becomes more and more evident. In the last decade the phenomenon of fairs has occurred in the Navarre Pyrenees. In ten years the population of the entire region has decreased by 13.3%, according to the Government of Navarra. In total, in the region of Pamplona/Iruña more than half of the population of Navarra, 54%.

That is true, the Prepyrenees, Sangüesa, Middle Area and Jurramendi can go on to the same conditions in the coming years. The foral Government plans to combat depopulation in the coming months, as reported by the foral Executive. At the hearing held on Monday at the Social Reality Observatory, the document Diagnosis of territorial inequalities in Navarra: challenges and proposals was published. The report prepared by the Observatory shows the territorial, demographic, labour and social inequalities that exist in the different regions of Navarra.

The intention to revitalize the Pyrenees

In 2017 ARGIA spoke with young people living in the Navarre Pyrenees with the objective of knowing the way of life in the area. They explained that it is essential to adapt to the possibilities offered by the environment. Some young people also stated that they were "at the best time", but that one of the main problems is that the population pyramid is inverted. The majority of the population is over 50 years old and there are many more people over 70 years of age than under 30.