On 15 March, the following protest will be held in Huarte for improving road safety on the N-121-A
  • Following the mobilisation of 28 February in Bera, the next will take place in Huarte. Although it was initially to take place in Heaven, it will finally take place on Sunday, March 15, from 19:00 to 20:00 hours.
Erran .eus @erran_eus 2020ko martxoaren 10
Beran egindako mobilizazioan eskualdeko udal ordezkariak pankarta eskuetan. (Argazkia: Erran)

They call for the conditions to improve road safety in the N-121-A and PA-30. The tour will begin at the confluence of the municipalities of Huarte and Steribar (Avenida de Roncesvalles, 20) and after touring Intxaurdia Street until number 14, they will return through the Irun rail to the starting point. They have announced that the mobilisation will take place "in silence" and with a banner in hand.