The Foral Police starts using drones on the N-121-A road to "detect and punish infringements"
  • Police officers of the Foral Traffic and Road Safety Police are using drones of the technological support equipment on the N-121-A highway (Pamplona, Behobia) to monitor from the air “serious infringements that can turn into accidents”.
Euskalerria irratia @fm983irratia 2020ko ekainaren 01
Foruzaingoak airez hartutako irudia. Argazkia:

According to the Foral Police, "risk areas are highlighted in which continuous lines prevent overtaking due to the risk of frontal collision".

From the second stage, an increase in traffic has been detected, leading to an accident risk. In the weeks that coincided with the previous phases, traffic was reduced.

Drones are being used for all kinds of police actions and are now also being redirected to road safety actions, "to detect and punish unauthorized behaviors that put users at risk."