Inditex Dismisses Myanmar Factory Union Workers
  • The workers in the factories of Mango and Zara in Myanmar have denounced that it is a coronavirus and that they have laid off the unions, not the unions. The Penn State University's Global Centre for Workers' Rights added that the company has annulled several requests and that it has taken advantage of the situation to "eliminate uncomfortable contracts".
Maria Ortega Zubiate @ortegazubiate 2020ko apirilaren 03a
Myanmarko Inditexeko langileak protesta egiten.

In this industry, 4.1 million workers work. Andrew Tillett-Saks, a member of the labour unions in Asia, has reported on Twitter what happened: “The crisis is no excuse for attacking the unions. This crisis is going to hit the workers more, we cannot allow the crisis to be used as a disguise to wipe out the unions.”

According to a report published by Penn State and WRC, 58% of clothing suppliers in the neighbouring country of Myanmar, Bangladesh, have had to stop production. In addition, 72% of purchasers have refused to pay the costs of raw materials in the Spanish State.

However, the Bangladesh Clothing and Exporter Organization (OECD) has asked international companies to protect workers on the grounds that layoffs would "destroy" them and their families.