Myanmar Army Strikes Coup
  • The Army has declared a state of emergency for a year and has taken control of the country. President Win Myin, Minister of State Aung San Suu Kyi and the Nobel Peace Prize have been arrested in the operation.
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Aung San Suu Kyi lider ezaguna da atxilotuetako bat. Argazkia: has received information from the EFE agency. According to the Burmese Army, the number of detainees in Myanmar has risen to some thirty. These include the country’s President, the Nobel Peace Prize Suu Kyi, a practical leader, several ministers and leaders of the Democratic National League (NLD), so far governed. Among those arrested there are also activists, writers and artists.

The Vice-President of the Government, Myint Swe, has so far assumed the presidency on a transitional basis. Swe was appointed vice-president by the military, as the Constitution empowered them to do so. Swe gave all the powers to Min Aung Hlaing, head of the Armed Forces.

Elections had just been held

The November 2020 elections were held in Myanmar and today’s (1 February) elections were to be the first of the legislature. The National League for Democracy (NLD) has won 83% of Parliament’s 467 seats. The Batasuna Solidarity and Development Party (USDP), for its part, obtained 33 seats and reported alleged irregularities during the electoral process. This party was created by the previous military commission. He did not accept the results and came to ask for the elections organized by the Army to be held.

The country has had a short democratic journey. The country has been ruled by the Army between 1962 and 2011. Starting in 2011, the military had a great power and already had a great power. They had seats in Parliament and controlled a quarter of the ministries of the Interior, Borders and State Defence.