The company doctor decides when to return to work, unless the family doctor opposes it, which the Spanish Government wishes to recognize.
  • Minor job losses and medical records can be made available to mutual societies almost entirely in Hego Euskal Herria. The Spanish Government has sent the proposal to the autonomous communities and it is enough for the Health Advisor to sign the document. LAB makes it public.
Gorka Peñagarikano Goikoetxea 2023ko martxoaren 27a
Espainiako Gobernuak dioenez, itxaron-zerrendak eta karga asistentziala arintzea da helburua. (Argazkia:

Mutual societies would manage “common workers’ contingencies” and their treatments, interventions, tests, rehabilitations and others, as well as discharge proposals. What happens is that the family doctor, in order to express his disagreement with these processes or with the discharge proposal, will have a period of five days and, unless there is disagreement or answer to the contrary, whatever the mutual will say. Currently, the last word, that of itself or not, is in the hands of the family doctor; according to the document that LAB publishes, things can change.

In the document on page 27, the Health Advisors of the Autonomous Communities can sign the gaps and communicate the authorisation of the change of competence. There is still no news of the intentions of the Government or the Government of Navarra.

The Spanish Government states, from the outset, that this is a project that aims to alleviate the waiting lists and the burden of care in the public health service.

"Health in the background"

“This changes the logic so far and puts the doctor of the Public Health System at the orders of the doctor of a private company,” says Inko Iriarte, secretary of labor health of the union LAB. According to the union, the measure would affect between 80 and 90 per cent of active staff.

This would mean, according to LAB, acting “for the benefit” of the productive interests of the company, since the mutual societies would take advantage of “productive and economic criteria” and, consequently, would give the “high” as soon as possible, “leaving the health of workers in the background”.

Iriarte denounces the existence of a pilot test and the agreement does not provide for any public control.