Report a new spill from the Mutriku purse to the Mijoa River
  • Ecologist group Eguzki and Natur Natur Taldea have denounced this year for the second time – and in previous years – that discharges from the sewage treatment plant in the neighbouring industrial area have been detected in the Mijoa stream in Mutriku.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko maiatzaren 28a
Mijoa errekara egindako isurketetako baten irudia (argazkia: Eguzki)

Both the Mutriku Natural Group and the Eguzki, they say, are confident that the discharge they have seen on 22 May comes from the sewage treatment plant at the Mijoa industrial estate. They called 112 and several professionals approached to inspect the river, but ecologists do not expect great results based on their previous experiences.

Ecologists have pointed out that discharges have occurred on more than one occasion; the URA agency itself, in its reports, points out that the river has “extremely poor quality” and that “the environment is radically degraded”. The Mijoa River flows into Saturraran Beach, so these spills can contaminate the water from the beach.

The environmentalists believe that the sewage treatment plant has been too small to be able to clean up all the dirty waters of the polygon and call on the polygon companies and the Basque Government to take action once and for all. In fact, according to the news of Naize, the Environment Minister of the Basque Government, Iñaki Arriola, has confirmed that the Basque Government would assume the financing for the sanitation of the Mijo, but in 2019 they have done nothing and there is no budget line for it.