Plazara Dantzara Association calls for strengthening and supporting Basque dances
  • Coinciding with the beginning of the first Baztan festivities, the baztans are encouraged to dance mutil-dantzak, as the members of Plazara Dantzara pointed out in the recently published press release. Last year was the first year without exclusions from Baztan, and they want to maintain, value, display and properly transmit the mutil-dantzak, the heritage of their peoples. Kattalin Agerre 2024ko maiatzaren 15
Irurita. Argazkia: Plazara Dantzara

Here is the text they have published:

From Plazara Dantza we want to take advantage of this space for all the baztans to dance in all the squares of the villages Mutildantzak, symbol and heritage of our popular culture. As 2023 was the first year without exclusions from Baztan, we want 2024 to be a year of plazas and pride to show the richness of our culture.

We must not forget that today we have come a long and conflicting road to have that possibility of dancing freely in the plaza. However, in order to keep this road open and survive the Baztan Mutilation it is essential to dance in the squares of our people and to recognize Mutildantza as a heritage of our culture. To give this recognition, it is essential to stop the campaign of contempt that has been carried out in recent years to Mutildantza. To do so, we must give it the place it deserves in the places and dance schools of our people.

Therefore, this work should not be the sole responsibility of women and the feminist movement. As mutilation is a popular heritage, it is the duty of all citizens to keep alive and rich. So, without exclusions, without shame and without boiko, Plazara Dantzara!