Before the "exclusionary mutil-dantzak", at the Elizondo festivities all the neighbors are invited to dance in the plaza
  • The Plazara Dantzara initiative has recalled that the parties of Elizondo come and that the boys and girls who only accept men are no longer programmed, but that a group continues to practise on other occasions sessions of exclusionary style, and has called on all citizens to take the place with the objective of “putting in the center the dance egalitarian and free”.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko ekainaren 14a
Mutil-dantzak Baztandarren Biltzarrean, Elizondon, 2015ean. Argazkia: Oier Araolaza (

The initiative highlights the difference: no mutil-dantzak is scheduled at the people's festivities that do not admit women. The bad thing, he says, is that Baztan’s Mutil-Dantzariak group counterprogrammed one or more exclusionary mutil-dantza sessions in 2019, when the last ones were held. “In 2019 we decided to enter that dance and the group of men who do not accept women in mutil-dantza continued to dance with us.”

Another year, in the face of these “last attempts to perpetuate exclusion”, they want to invite all citizens to dance in the plazas of the people, “although some want to perpetuate exclusion because we want to perpetuate and celebrate diversity, freedom and equality among citizens”.

Parties have been claimed without discrimination and without exclusions, “free parties and without aggressions”.