Coronavirus crisis exacerbates violence against Muslims in India
  • A number of Hindu nationalists say that Muslims are trying to spread the coronavirus in India, who are accused of doing “coronary jihad.” The coronavirus crisis has intensified attacks on Muslims perpetrated by Hindus in several neighborhoods of Delhi before the pandemic.
Maria Ortega Zubiate @ortegazubiate 2020ko apirilaren 16a
Delhiko istiluak. Argazkia: Hurriyet Daily News.

The neighbourhoods of the north-west of Delhi, which bring together the largest Muslim community, have become dangerous for the inhabitants of the area. The Act of Citizenship adopted by the Hindust government of India was the creator of the first clashes, and the spread of the coronavirus has given continuity to these conflicts. The Hindus have called for a generalized boycott, rather than violence, to demand that they do not go to Muslim shops.

With the coronavirus crisis, hospitals are segregating patients, a measure never seen in the country's history.

The Asian subcontinent has been confined for three weeks, with almost 13,000 cases and 432 deaths. Experts have confirmed that 30% of the cases in the country are related to a Muslim minority, to which several statements from the Indian Ministry of Health are added. He has accused an Islamic seminary of the spread of the epidemic, and was the first to use the term "coronilla yihad" to refer to it.

The Hindu nationalists, followers of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, claim that there is a conspiracy and that the Muslims of the country are trying to spread the coronavirus. It is the second most populous country in the world, of which more than 200 million are Muslims, a minority in number of countries.

Segregation and secularization from government

Since Modi’s arrival in power, times have been hard for India’s cultural diversity. First, it took autonomy away from the only Muslim-majority region in India, the State of Katxemi. Through the Citizenship Act, the Ministry of the Interior announced that it would grant refugee status to persons of any dominant religion except Muslims.

Some have reported that, with the coronavirus crisis, hospitals are segregating patients. Hospital authorities have confirmed that this measure has been taken by government decision, something that has never been seen in the history of the country.



Protest against the discrimination of the Government in the Basque Country. Photo: India Today.