The City of Muskiz paralyzes some works by Petronor
  • The mayor of Muskiz, Edu Briones, has signed a decree to stop the works “for the lack of incomplete files” in the licence application.
Mattin Azpiroz Pagola 2023ko urriaren 19a
Petronor enpresaren instalazioak. // Argazkia: Wikipedia Commons CC0 1.0

The Mayor of Muskiz, Edu Briones, has signed the decree of paralysis of an urbanization that is being carried out by the company Petronor. The project includes works to improve the entry of the facilities, such as the new sidewalk and parking on the exterior road surrounding the company.

In the course of the call, Briones indicates that Petronor submitted a licence application in October last year and that a municipal technical report states that “some telematics files were incomplete”. The report states that the approval of the Foral Department of URA (Basque Water Agency), Cotorrio and Caminos is necessary for the execution of the works, and they have not submitted: “The City Council requested these documents from Petronor, but we have not received a reply.”

According to the law, any activity that takes place without the corresponding administrative authorization is “clandestine”. The City Council has therefore immediately suspended the works. Briones wanted to clarify the decision: “This decree of paralysis does not mean that the City Hall opposes Petronor and its industrial activity, but for consistency, we must demand that this company comply with the law, as we ask any neighbor to do works of their property.”

Failure to comply with the suspension order may result in fines ranging from 600 euros to 10% of the value of “clandestine” activity. It would also be possible to bring the file to the Public Prosecutor ' s Office if there is evidence of a crime of disobedience.