Music and solidarity
Uxue Gutierrez Lorenzo 2024ko ekainaren 27a
Auxili taldea / Ekainaren 14an / Bilboko Kafe Antzokian.

Concert hall signs usually have a common element: two (or three) groups are scheduled on the same night, but both groups are not recognised as having the same status. There is a hierarchy. What I used to play, the Spanish telonero, is the antecedent of the main concert, being more or less known. The group that has the ability to play in second place is the star of the night. The audience is moved by the main group, and viewers buy the ticket so they can see it.

I have come to today’s concert against what sets the standard. Between the two scheduled performances, I meet an artist who will act before: The rap singer Elena Caballero, known as La Basu. The one in Bilbao (specifically Etxebarri), a woman and a pioneer in rap music. Despite growing up in a Castilian speaking environment, Elena Caballero has been creating rap in Basque for decades. In addition to La Basu, the afixa counts that there will be another team in the Bilbao Arena: Auxili. I've done a quick search on the internet: The Valencian band, born in 2005, has published four albums and is based on reggae music. They combine reggae music with rap and ska, and social political messages dominate their songs.

I've come to Kafe Antzokia after listening to several songs from Auxili and wanting to meet La Basu again. I walked into the room in five minutes before the concert started. It cannot be denied that there are very few spectators, but I am sure that the energy of La Basu and the good Bibra will make a few spectators dance. The concert has had a nice evolution, and the musician has made a great effort: the artist has claimed the place of rap and reggae, has invited women to occupy a place both above and below the stage and has reaffirmed in the creation in Basque. In conclusion, La Basu has welcomed the members of the Auxili group, who accompany him and those accompanying him.

From the beginning, the Valencians have made it clear that in Euskal Herria they feel at home. This was, in part, the line that marked the hour and a half that the concert lasted. The musicians have conveyed the sweetness, the positive energy and the ‘solidarity is the tenderness among the peoples’ that Siroka said. The theatre has been shaken with reggae, ska and dancing melodies, which has led to nice pogo performances at the end. You can breathe a healthy environment. Both groups have been able to create this space seguro.Valencia and Euskal Herria have been close today, close to rap music and reggae, and close to song theory and practice direct ones. Long live music, solidarity between peoples and artists and a festive and healthy atmosphere!

Basu at the Kafe Antzokia in Bilbao. Photo: Uxue Gutiérrez.