Restrictions on beds, consultations, tests and hospital interventions in Hego Euskal Herria
  • The nursing syndicate SATSE has denounced that in these times when the pandemic has greatly increased the waiting lists, in order to deal with this, the summer months will be used and will be cut. The hospitals of Hego Euskal Herria will have 763 beds less, and the number of consultations, tests and interventions will also decrease. “They have prioritized saving money.”
ARGIA @argia 2021eko uztailaren 06a

SATSE has provided data from the Spanish State, including those from the CAV (with 675 beds less until October) and those from Navarra (with 93 beds less).

In summer, services are often reduced, but given the consequences of the pandemic, waiting lists that have been drastically increased for an operation or diagnostic tests should be dealt with in these months, rather than offering fewer services. The union has considered it.

The reduction in the number of surgical interventions has been particularly severe, as these are patients on long-term waiting for COVID-19.

“Instead of prioritizing people’s health care and patient service, health services have preferred to save money.”

SATSE has also warned that the replacement of workers has been reduced, with its consequences on the overload of workers and the service provided.