In the farewell of Munilla, condemned by the Mozal law
  • Beatriz Goñi witnessed the performance that took place in San Sebastian to dismiss the bishop in February. Now they condemn her because when she was identified she verbally indicated her ID number. Given the refusal to identify himself, the Ertzaintza punishes him with a fine of EUR 700.
Maddi Viana Zubimendi @maddi76_ 2022ko ekainaren 27a
Performancearen argazkia. Argazkia: Emakume Askeak.

Beatriz Goñi Iribarren has been sanctioned by the Mordaza Law. In February he attended a “farewell performance” to José Ignacio Munilla and later debated with some Ertzainas. ARGIA talked to him to learn the circumstances of what happened.

Everything happened on February 6. Bishop Munilla was celebrating his last Mass in San Sebastian. The cathedral of the Good Shepherd was filled with faithful and the environment we can also read as Naiz.

During this time, at the height of the cathedral, five feminist activists from the Free Women group approached to perform a performance. They caused expectation. In one of his posters, five commandments could be read: to love life, to enjoy your body, to respect diversity, to take and give, and, the last one, to dance. Munilla was symbolically returned to San Benito.

Confrontations with the Ertzaintza

At the end of the performance, the five feminists left there. However, Goñi has pointed out that several people who were in the area watching the action stayed in it.

Then the Ertzaintza was personified. Outside believers said that Goñi participated in the performance, although she was only seeing it. As this happened, he took pictures. That's why an ertzaina came up. He told him he couldn't take the photos and delete them. Goñi replied that he had the right to photograph himself, that the problem was what was done after those photos. The ertzaina asked him to identify. Goñi asked if they wanted to receive their ID number preventively, “you have the means to continue with these images what I do, if I do something wrong you will have the opportunity to put a fine.”

After the photos were erased, Goñi again insisted on identifying herself. He didn't understand it, because the photos were erased. Half an hour later, “boring”, he gave them his ID verbally. Goñi's identification allegedly ended with the assertion that the Ertzaintza was correct.

In May it was sanctioned with a “refusal to identify”. Fine of EUR 700, in case of quick payment, half, EUR 350.

He surprised the fine, confesses that he “did not expect”. With the help of the Piztu Donostia movement, he decided to denounce the event. This social agent has called for the cooperation of the citizens in order to neutralize the economic sanction.