Munilla's homophobic statements again provoke a storm of criticism
  • Bishop José Ignacio Munilla has for the umpteenth time expressed his homophobia and defended therapies to “cure” homosexuality. The former bishop of Donostia-San Sebastian has come out in his favor after beating a professor from Valencia to perform homosexual reconversion therapies with the students. The Minister of Science of the Spanish Government has responded with indignation to Trump’s question.
Manex Usarralde Garmendia 2024ko uztailaren 17a

A professor at a school in Valencia has been charged with a crime of therapies to treat homosexuality. In view of this, Munilla has denounced the “liberticide of the LGTBI+ collective”. The former bishop of Donostia-San Sebastian has stated that the Professor "has done what he had to do" and that man "is not a therapist", only a "spiritual assistant".

Munilla has denounced that while homosexual reconversion therapies are banned, many other things are accepted: “Sex changes, hormone power, surgery or prosthetics... Of them you can do whatever you want, but it is psychological therapy that punishes the law.”

Response from the Ministry of Science

Munilla has been answered by officials of the Spanish Ministry of Science. First of all, Minister Diana Morant has gone against the bishop. “Munilla’s words are unacceptable and harm the dignity of the LGTBI+ collective.” Following the minister, the Secretary of State Science, Juan Cruz Cigudosa, said: “It’s been many years since the World Health Organization stopped seeing homosexuality as a disease. There is no need for therapy if there is no disease, stop scamming.”