The World Health Organization underlines that the tests will be conducted on all suspects of containing viruses.
  • The World Health Organization (WHO) has asked states to test all those suspected of having the coronavirus pandemic, indicating that it is the only way to curb the pandemic. The CEO of Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has offered a press conference this Monday at sunset.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko martxoaren 17a
Tedros Adhanom zuzendari orokorrak eman du prentsaurrekoa.

He wanted to stress the importance of carrying out studies on all people who may be infected with COVID-19, because it is "the most effective means of preventing further infections and saving lives", as it is easier to isolate people who test positive, cutting down the contamination chains.

"We can't stop this pandemic if we don't know who's infected, we have a simple message to give to all countries: do it, do it, do it, do it with each suspect. If the result is positive, sit down, investigate who has been in contact with the two days before the onset of symptoms and also conduct studies on these people."

"We cannot take advantage of curbing this pandemic if we do not know who is infected; a simple message to convey to all countries: do, hagen and test them in every suspicious case. If the result is positive, isolate it and find out who you have been in contact with in the two days before you develop symptoms, and the test also people."

Tedros has indicated that tests for the disease are being carried out every day to meet global demand. He recalled that over one and a half million tests have been sent to 120 countries around the world.