The World Athletics Federation prohibits trans women from participating in international competitions
  • Trans-women who have passed the transition from puberty will not be able to compete in the female category. Women with high testosterone levels will not be able to participate either.
Irati Irazusta Jauregi 2023ko martxoaren 24a
Sebastian Coe Munduko Atletismo Federazioko presidenteak adierazi duenez, "emakumezkoen kategoria babesteko" debekatuko diete parte hartzea emakume transei. (Argazkia: EFE agentzia)

The World Athletics Federation will ban trans women from participating in female categories in international competitions. The standard shall apply to women who have transitioned from puberty. On Thursday, the Federation reported on the rule that will apply from 31 March.

In addition, the federation will decrease the level of testosterone in blood that will be accepted in the competition. This will affect people with different sexual development (DSD people). The levels of testosterone in the blood should be below 2.5 nanomoles per litre and be maintained for at least two years.

The president of the World Athletics Federation, Sebastian Coe, has stated that the rule is "to protect the female category". However, he has expressed his intention to continue his research on this issue: "We are not going to say not forever." The President acknowledges that so far they have not had enough data to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the situation, "because so far there have been no endless numbers of women competing in the female category".

Swimming and rugby

In 2021, the International Olympic Committee (IRC) left the global federations of each sport the decision to establish their own rules. Swimming and rugby federations, for example, decided that people who had made the transition after puberty could not participate in global competitions. Athletics has joined this list.