Olatukoop: Manifesto of 1 May
We'll have to build a new world.
  • The first of May has been an important day for workers to take further steps, more important in the times when we have been forced to paralyse and to recession in rights. The truce has speeded up and cleared up the crises we already had among us. The question is whether we are going to take the necessary steps to respond to these crises. There is no medium term, because the future will not be the same as the past. However, in the direction of the steps we can act collectively.
OlatuKoop sarea @olatukoop 2020ko apirilaren 30

We men have stopped. But the world has continued to turn around. Without asking us for permission. Although it seemed to have forgotten it, because nature is not ours, we are ourselves part of nature. For the future to be for all, we must reconcile ourselves with nature. Making our own limitations. An economic system that needs to grow constantly to survive because it's not compatible with a limited planet.

Now it's time to reorganize the economy. Or rather, organizing the economy for life. To meet basic needs, we must transform our productive model to produce ecologically sustainable and socially useful products and services. In order to distribute the wealth generated correctly, we must promote policies of distribution and redistribution. We need an economic model based on the transformative proposal “each according to its capacity, each according to its needs”.

"Now it's time to reorganize the economy. Or rather, organizing the economy for life"

And who is going to pay the bill for this crisis, will someone ask? Not at least the workers bear the cost of the 2008 crisis. We have to deal with the crisis by demanding more from those who have the most. Increasing taxes on the rich, banks and big business and increasing controls to make tax fraud more difficult. We must place the cycle of post-pandemic mobilizations in this direction, enhancing collective spaces of organized response that have previously been useful.

To revive the economy after the coronavirus, the public sector, the transformative social economy and the broad pact between the popular economy are essential to start building territorial economic networks. Our socio-economic model to start organizing to make life possible for everyone. Along this path, we propose to agree on strategies and create planning tables by counties. Tables to coordinate with each other as networks. To do this, we will have to deepen cooperative tools and create new ones, developing sovereignties in a systemic way, from a country perspective.

The mutual need is greater than ever. That is why we created the Solidarity Bureau for Crisis Response at Olatukoop. Make a diagnosis of the situation of Community network companies, share information in a transparent manner and create collective tools to deal with difficulties. Thus, the pooled fund to deal with liquidity problems. We will also have to create more tools for inter-cooperation and mutualism, needs have been highlighted and it is time to create and strengthen tools.

"Pooled fund to address liquidity problems. We will also have to create more tools for inter-cooperation and mutualism"

A society incapable of caring for its compatriots and workers has no future. And the care crisis that already existed among us, especially that suffered by women and the precarious sectors, has been placed at the top of the agenda. Faced with the impossibility of markets responding to the crisis, the solution must be public, cooperative and Community, so that it does not once again fall to families (and, therefore, to the power relations in them). And for that, we have to make new practices become everyday, that care networks become sustainable. We have published the Decalogue of Care with the objective of contributing in this way.

We've all been touched by building a new world. Community companies and independent workers in the Transforming Social Economy are ready to face the future. For the future to be for everyone, for the future to continue to organize the economy for life. Taking into account the limits of the planet and placing the habitability of the projects at the center. It's time to give everyone the best. To those who have suffered the most so far, to offer them a dignified future. Thank those who have worked for all lives in this crisis. Abrasive. Make life habitable for all. We are at home, but not standing and we will continue to take steps. Because the only way not to go backwards is to move forward.

Long live the solidarity of the workers!

Long live on May 1!