Conference "A New World from EH"
  • On October 21, Olatukoop will hold the Day A New World from Euskal Herria in Orereta. The protagonists will be the local transformative ecosystems that are being created throughout the Basque Country: each one is adapted to the realities and needs of its territory, but they will analyze the ideas and situations that all share to reflect on the future. You can participate in the conference either in person or via live broadcast on the Internet: You can also see it in ARGIA, from 10:00 hours.
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Conferences, round tables and workshops; on 21 October who participates in these days will enjoy various formats. The possibility to view the full program and make the registration can be consulted on the Olatukoop website.

The referent of the social economy of Catalonia, Ivan Miró, will open the day with a paper entitled Proposal for an economy for life. It will be followed by Aizpea Otaegi, with the theme Udalgintza and local transformative ecosystems.

Around noon, the following local transformative ecosystems will be gathered around the table, each explaining their practice: Biziola Sarea, BDSKoop, Sakana Garatzen and the cooperative Aiaraldea.

To end the morning programme, Andoni Mikelarena and Arianne Kareaga will present the idea of the territorial school of Gipuzkoa.

In the afternoon, the group will work in the workshops, and the last sucking will be the reading of the manifesto, which will be presented by Ibon Gaztañazpi.