Move around! The movement replaces the publicity of the Marquesinas de la Comarca with posters against the TAV
  • They denounce that more than half of the central government’s budgets are going to be allocated to railway works. With the action they wanted to recall what they did ten years ago to protest the APR: The then President of Navarra, Yolanda Barcina, was called cakes.
Leire Artola Arin 2021eko azaroaren 03a
Pedro Sancehezi, Maria Chiviteri eta Iñigo Urkulluri AHTaren inposaketaren erantzukizuna aurpegiratu diete. / Argazkia: Mugitu!.

The programme will recall the tenth anniversary of Barcina's action against the former president of Navarre and will change the publicity of many marquesinas of the Region of Pamplona/Iruña. Move around! In a communiqué, the anti-TAV movement has denounced that political and professional leaders "remain their heads" and have therefore responded with new action. In the posters placed by the movement you can see Pedro Sánchez, president of the Government of Spain; Iñigo Urkullu, lehendakari of the Basque Country; and María Chivite, president of Navarra.

Through this action they wished to express the “responsibility of these three leaders in the imposition of the APR”. In the note, they criticise the fact that in the context of the current crisis the authorities continue to make progress with the major infrastructures: “Despite the incredible, they continue to promote wasteful and destructive infrastructures that increase the economic and ecological crisis, and conceal the damage they cause to people.”

Members of the movement have reproached participants who work for an elite and do not move. They have explained that it is “incomprehensible” that in times of pandemic, rather than giving importance to people, most of the budgets go to infrastructure. Mugitu! denounces that the central government allocates EUR 388 million from the budgets of 2022 to the works of the TAV and that the Government of Navarra allocates EUR 145 million from the European Revitalisation Plan.

The portal has collected the action in the following video: