The Italian Parliament is putting forward a proposal to ban neo-fascist movements
  • The demonstration against the COVID-19 passport that is taking place in Rome on Saturday has caused serious incidents. The far-right party Forza Nuova has taken advantage of the protests to attack the headquarters of the most important trade union in Italy, CGIL.
Leire Artola Arin 2021eko urriaren 13a
Maurizio Landini CGIL sindikatuko idazkari nagusiak faxismoaren aurkako manifestaziora deitu du. / Argazkia: @cgilnazionale

The Democratic Party (PD) has registered in the Italian Parliament a proposal for any neo-fascist movement in the European Parliament to be declared illegal. The motion was tabled this Monday in the context of the clashes that took place on Saturday in Rome. The Constitution contains a ban on reorganising the dissolved Fascist Party in Benito Mussolini. They have therefore asked Prime Minister Mario Draghi to comply with this Trump order. A rule that had previously been used to outlaw some political parties, for example, in the 1970s.

On this occasion, the extreme right-wing party, Forza Nuova, which was confronted on Saturday in the capital with serious incidents, has been called to be banned. The demonstration against the COVID-19 passport served in Rome to bring about chaos and, among other things, violently attacked the headquarters of the largest union in Italy, CGIL, and a hospital. Several people were injured during the disturbances and the Police arrested 12 persons, including the two Forza Nuova police booths.

Call for the demonstration

The Secretary-General of the leftist trade union, Maurizio Landini CGIL, has denounced this as an "attack on democracy" and stressed the need to dissolve this type of neo-fascist movement. Next Saturday, 16 October, he called for a demonstration under the motto Mai piĆ¹ Fascism (no more fascisms).